Dubl Trubl: A collaborative street art group show
- Sep 19, 2014
During the Berlin Art Week and until the 26th of October 2014, Urban Spree Galerie presents the collaborative group show "Dubl Trubl".
Curated by Dscreet, the show invites street and graffiti artists predominantly from the London scene to Berlin to work in duos and display artworks made on a collaboration basis. The whole Urban Spree compound is being repainted as well in a variation of only 3 colors (yellow, white, black).
Aeon, Alex CF, Alex Fakso, Andrew Gillman, Anthony Lister, Base 23, Billy, Birdseed, BO 130, BRK 192, Chips, Chips For The Poor, Christiaan Nagel, Chris Stead, Chum101, Cityzen Kane, Civil Civic, Cone, Conor Harrington, Crack, Creeps, Crilly Smalls, Cyclops, Dabs & Myla, Dan Speight, Darren John, Dave the Chimp, Deus, Dmote, Drax, Dscreet, Ebot, Eazel E, EMA, Eoin, François Jenssard, Fred Fowler, Gemma White, Ghostpatrol, Girl In The Cartoon, Jumble, Kasio, Kid Acne, Kid Crow, Kirpy, Lucas Dupuy, Ludvig, Lush, Malarky, Mark McClure, Matt Sewell, Merda, Microbo, Olivia Skalkos, Party, Paul Insect, Phil Ashcroft, Phlegm, Pure Evil, Rainman, Rask, Reka, Richt, Rone, Rowdy, Run, Rylsee, Sickboy, Sinic, Skary, Skewville, Skip WD, Sumo, Thierry Noir, Tim Head, Timba Smits, Tizer, Trico, TwoOne, Vents 137, Vinnie Nylon, Xeme, Word To Mother, Ziggy Grudzinskas, 44 Flavours, 45RPM and 616.
http://dubltrubllove.tumblr.com Please request the catalogue/price list to: galerie@urbanspree.com