PRINTS: an exhibition of prints and more
- Nov 13, 2022
"PRINTS" is an artistic journey through printmaking in Europe and America, through the magnifying lens of street art. The medium is so ubiquitous to the genre that a complete panorama was not on the agenda but rather a distilation through the Urban Spree filter.

Before the mid-2010s, the market for original works was rather confidential and many artists did not develop a studio practice, choosing to allocate as much as posiible their time outdoor, painting murals, and making a living by making and selling limited edition prints. It was as convenient for the artist to raise funds as for the collector to collect, who could own various and rare pieces of street art for an affordable price - and sometimes reaping some benefits on the secondary market. Collecting prints is usually the building block and the starting point of any collection.

The exhibition "PRINTS" aims to showcase printmaking in the street art universe, showing not only rare prints, but also actual and affordable ones.
Regular events will be held every Saturday afternoon, and include Prints Releases, Live Screen- and Riso-Printing, Special Focus on an artist and their print production. Follow us on instagram for the announcement of print-related events.
Urban Spree Galerie
Revaler Str. 99
10245 Berlin
5 November - 17 December