Book Launch: "SIGNED" by Larissa Kikol
- Jul 19, 2023
Urban Spree invites you to the Book Launch of "SIGNED", a 328-page first-hand account by the art critic Larissa Kikol about her 2-year journey in company of the infamous Berlin-based vandal graffiti crew 1UP Crew as well as the Hamburg duo Moses & Taps. Beyond it, Larissa interrogates the borders between the legal and the illegal, the role of the city and urban policies. The book is published by the Berlin-based art publisher DCV Books
It will be possible to purchase the book at the book event on 25.07. Otherwise, you can (pre-)order the book online at Urban Spree by clicking here.

The book will be launched on Tuesday, July 25th at 18:30 at Urban Spree Berlin with a reading session by the famed actress Anna Thalbach.
Free Entry