NAFIR Interview in Vantage Point
- Sep 06, 2022
"Iranian artist Nafir creates work that combines traditional hand crafts from around the world with modern street art painting techniques to create works that are both beautiful and subversive at the same time. Tying cultural traditions of the past to modern techniques and aesthetics allows Nafir to layer multiple meanings and interpretations into his work, simultaneously paying respect to and commenting on ideas and traditions from past generations. Living in Tehran, Iran presents challenges that most other artists around the globe do not deal with but this hasn’t stopped Nafir from traveling and exhibiting his work across Europe and beyond in addition to the streets and galleries of his native Iran."
After his solo show at Urban Spree Galerie in August 2022, Nafir talks for one hour to James Bullough in Berlin.

Discover the podcast interview here: https://www.mixcloud.com/VantagepointRadio/ep143-nafir/