On Monday, January 20th, 2014, starts the first major art event of 2014 at Urban Spree: the BERLIN GRAPHIC DAYS#3, organized by BERLIN PIECES, showcase the best of the current graphic design, illustration, street art & graffiti scene. The whole week is paced with multiple exhibitions and live performances by artists such as Jim Avignon (don’t miss his live performance and DJ set for the vernissage on Monday), the charity skateboards initiative ‘Boards Without Borders‘, the Friedrichshainer street artist Lake, a screen print installation by Matthias Gephart, or a 2-day live painting & music programme organized by Urban Art Clash.
On the weekend (25 & 26 of January 2014), the Berlin Graphic Days Market takes place with over 60 artists exhibiting and selling their art production.
On the first floor, the Urban Spree resident artists will present their latest production (Rylsee, Andrea Wan, Johannes Mundinger, Tine Fetz & Slava Ostapchenko). The brilliant exhibition of Daniel T. Geiger, “Alles braucht seine Zeit” in the Artists’ curated section on the first floor is being extended until Sunday, January 26th.
On the same floor, the Urban Spree Shop (usually in the gallery) will have a selection of its best street art / illustration / graphic design books + prints for sale (selection of works from Klub7, Péter Janos Novak, Broken Fingaz etc…).
Programm BGD Exhibition 20. bis 24.01.:
20.01. | Mo 19 Uhr Eröffnung mit Live-Performance von Jim Avignon + DJ-Set von Magritte Jaco | Eintritt 3 Euro
21.01. | Di 13-19 Uhr Exhibition + Live-Tape-Art Klebebande| Eintritt frei
ab 19 Uhr Live-Painting mit Lake + DJ-Set | Eintritt 3 Euro
22.01. | Mi 13-19 Uhr Exhibition | Eintritt frei
ab 19 Uhr Live-Painting mit Andreas Preis, Ola Liola uvm. + Versteigerung von künstlerisch gestalteten Skateboards mit Boards Without Borders + DJ- Set von Marc Schütt & Cruz to Cruz
23.01. | Do 13-23 Uhr Exhibition, Kunst-Tombola & Live Painting mit Urban Art Clash Künstlern: Czarnobyl, El Bocho, Rafa Alvarez (Brooklyn/NYC), Innerfields, Pinche (Madrid), Cren One, Michal Mráz (SK), Pao Delfin (Mexico), One Truth (CH), Haevi, Anastasia Bydolin, Phos-4, Oibel (CH), JuliaH, Age Age, Stereo Heat, Karl Kenz, Christopher Kieling, Bender, Valerio Vittozzi (Italy), Benzo (Sandiago, Chile), Maleek, Kevin Gray and others. | Eintritt 3 Euro
ab 19 Uhr Live-Painting mit Urban Art Clash + Party / Live Musik mit MITCH ALIVE (SoulClap / Funkstation) and very special guests | Eintritt 3 Euro
24.01. | Fr 13-19 Uhr Exhibition, Kunst-Tombola & Live Painting mit Urban Art Clash Künstlern: Czarnobyl, El Bocho, Rafa Alvarez (Brooklyn/NYC), Innerfields, Pinche (Madrid), Cren One, Michal Mráz (SK), Pao Delfin (Mexico), One Truth (CH), Haevi, Anastasia Bydolin, Phos-4, Oibel (CH), JuliaH, Age Age, Stereo Heat, Karl Kenz, Christopher Kieling, Bender, Valerio Vittozzi (Italy), Benzo (Sandiago, Chile), Maleek, Kevin Gray and others. | Eintritt 3 Euro
ab 19 Uhr Live-Painting mit Urban Art Clash + Musik programm + Funky Party. Die Gewinner der Tombola werden um 20h bekannt gegeben. | Eintritt 3 Euro
Programm BGD Market 25. & 26.01.:
25.01. | Sa 13-22 Uhr Market | Eintritt 3 Euro
ab 22 Uhr Berlin Graphic Days Party
26.01. | So 13-19 Uhr Market | Eintritt 3 Euro