Der Klang der Familie - Berlin, Techno und die Wende

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After the fall of the Wall, unused spaces and buildings all over Berlin are ready to be filled with new life. The ownership situation is unresolved, and so the scene from both parts of the city conquers the new open spaces. Clubs, galleries, studios and studios spring up - often only for a few weeks. Soon Berlin is the epicentre of a new culture, attracting thousands of followers from all over the world with clubs like the Tresor and the E-Werk. They dance the night away in gas masks or welding goggles to the jackhammer sound of previously unknown DJs from Detroit. Among them also writers, artists, photographers and designers.

With 180 BPM, the youth culture that united East and West spread in Berlin shortly after reunification: techno. DJs, club makers, music producers, bouncers and scene figures, people from the centre of the movement and from its fringes, they all have their say in Klang der Familie and bring to life a time when everything seemed possible.


First publication date : 18.08.2014

Product details

Der Klang der Familie - Berlin, Techno und die Wende
Number of Pages
4,69 x 7,56 inch
11.9 x 19.2 cm

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