SAEIO: 2009-2014

  • 45,00€


"Saeio 2009-2014" monograph come today with the same content as the 2015 first editing. Except a short circonstancial forewords extension —photographs, artist interview and forewords remain unchanged in this 2023 editing.

During his lifetime, Saeio (1987-2017) produced a profuse and protean body of work, founded in graffiti, and developed into video, poetry and performance. He was a member of the iconic Paris based PAL crew and brought a new and unique approach of graffiti writing to the scene.

This book, originally published in 2015, is the fruit of 2 years of close dialogue between the artist and the publisher. Its content focuses on the graffiti produced by Saeio between 2009 and 2014 through a large corpus of images, accompanied by a long interview between the artist and the authors, Mathieu Julien and Guillaume Pellay.


Language: french / english, 

344 pages - 296 pages of pictures and 48 pages of illustrated text,

21 x 29,7 cm,

Stitched spine, paperback,

Fold-out cover: 84,5 x 59,3 cm,

Second edition 2023

ARCHIVES collection

Product details

SAEIO: 2009-2014
Publication Date
November 2023
Editions Peintures
Revised Second Edition 2023
French / English
Number of Pages

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