The City is Ours #4: Torn Posters

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The City is Ours #4: Torn Posters

Ever notice how those eye-catching ads, posters, and flyers plastered all over our cities gradually transform as they’re torn down? What’s left is often an abstract image, inviting us to find our own meaning.

In the late 1940s, artists like Mimmo Rotella, Raymond Hains, and Jacques Villeglé recognized the potential in these fragments, revealing the beauty of ripped posters through their works.

But can we truly appreciate these unintentional expressions in our everyday streetscape? Can we uncover their hidden stories and artistic potentials?

Contributors: Angelo Bramanti, Barton Lewis, El Tono, Galen Gibson-Cornell, Guido Bollino, James Dyer, Nick Deakin, Mathieu Tremblim, Peggy Anderson, Poster Boy, Ronald Nijhof,...


Halfway between a book and a magazine, “The City Is Ours” is a finite series of 6 bookzines published by Other Editions that invite you to explore your city, town, or street with more curious eyes. One detail at a time.

With a scientific-but-ironical approach, each issue analyzes a specific detail related to the streetscape through a photo essay. Art is used as a tool: to help bring awareness to our surroundings. It features also works by international artists, photographers, and observers: images combined with clear and simple language inspire the reader to observe the city as they have never seen it before.



Published in September 2023 by Other Editions

Concept and design SerraGlia aka Lorenzo Servi

300 copies

Texts: English

15 x 22 cm

80 pages 60+ images in full color

Product details

The City is Ours #4: Torn Posters
Publication Date
September 2023
Other Editions
Number of Pages
5,91 x 8,66 inch
15 x 22 cm

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